Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Education: Profesional Performing Arts High School in NYC
Select Credits: La Cage aux Folles (2004) (Swing, Marriott Marquis); A Chorus Line (Mark, Schoenfeld); Memphis (White Teen Tumbling Track, Shubert); Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark (Spider-Man/Ensemble, Foxwoods)
Why theater?: It's live. As an artist, you get to feel a story in succession. You get to feel the resolution of the story as opposed to film where you shoot in order of location. Also, in theater, the audience is part of the experience. They are directly affecting your energy and vice versa.
Tell us about Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark: Spider-Man is based on the Marvel Comic. It's an action packed, high flying adventure. It's a spectacular for the whole family.
What is it like being a part of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark?: To be in Spider-Man is a dream come true. It's keeping my roots as a Broadway performer, but taking it to a cirque level that I'm looking to take my career. The amount of thought, time, and dedication that has gone into this piece is astounding. It's truly magical.
What’s life like as a swing?: A swing's job is that of a dance captain in that you have to know pretty much everyone's spot in the entire show off the top of your head. It's a job for the cool, calm, and collected because you NEVER know what will happen. There have been times in a different show where I've had to do 3 different people's parts all spliced together. There's never a dull moment.
How is it different being a replacement as opposed to originating a role? Do you prefer one over the other?: I prefer to originate a role. As an artist, you get to really delve
into a character and work with the people around you on building relationships and back-story. Rehearsing with an original cast is my absolute favorite part of the theater. It's where the REAL magic happens. Being a replacement is really about catching up. Thank God for Jason Snow, who put me into Spidey. It's about catching up to details and getting to know the show inside and out in just about a week. Stressful? yes.
What kind of theater speaks to you? What or who inspires you as artists?: As a visual person, I respond mostly to Spectacular theater. My favorite piece of all times, thus far, is the Cirque du Soleil and Beatles collaboration: LOVE. Not all theater has to be linear to me. I enjoy FEELING when I go to the theater.
Any roles you’re dying to play?: I wouldn't mind trying those Peter Parker glasses on...
What’s your favorite showtune?: "Before the Parade Passes By" is a good one. The message is beautiful and Jerry Herman is brilliant.
If you could work with anyone you’ve yet to work with, who would it be?: That list is FAR too long. There are so many people in this industry (and out of this industry) that fuel me.
Who would play you in a movie about yourself and what would it be called?: I think I'd be played by Cillian Murphy. There's still a working title...
What show have you recommended to your friends?: I really really love and believe in Memphis. If you havent seen it, GO.
What’s up next?: I'm beginning to dabble into choreography and creative direction. That's where my life is headed.
For more information on Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, please visit http://spidermanonbroadway.marvel.com/