
Friday, February 17, 2012

Spotlight On...Eric Michael Krop

Name: Eric Michael Krop

Hometown: San Jose, CA

Education: AMDA

Select Credits: Hair (Claude, Alpine Theater Project); Miss Saigon (Chris, CMTSJ); Jesus Christ Superstar (Jesus, CMTSJ); Godspell (Principal Understudy, Circle in the Square)

Why theater?: I do theater because it is a wonderful way to express myself. I am a singer/songwriter first, and I am very lucky that I now have a job where I can support that desire and goal, and it is also an outlet for my inner artist. I started doing musical theater a little later in life, but once we found each other, I knew it was a good fit. I found that I have a place here, which is kind of an unfamiliar feeling. It's a good feeling though!

What is it like being a part of Godspell?: Godspell is a dream. I could not have asked for a better first time Broadway experience. I remember back in 2008 when I had a few friends who were going through audition process for the first time the revival was supposed to happen. They were telling stories about all the crazy parables they had to make up, and the vast amount of callbacks. All I thought to myself was how fun that sounded, and how much I wanted to be a part of something like that. Long story short, it was postponed and I was lucky enough to be able to be a part of it this time around. I feel like everyone in the cast is key. We are all teaching each other and learning important life things from each other, as well as getting to spread the Godspell message to the masses. It's incredible.

What’s life like as an understudy?: Life as an understudy in a word? Interesting. I am an offstage understudy, so when I am not watching the show, I am backstage with my fellow swings. We all have Hulu and Netflix accounts, catch up on tv, and we are also all working on side projects. I am in the works of preparing for recording a pop album, so I spend some shows writing and getting input from the other swings.

How is it different being an understudy as opposed to originating a role?:
As an understudy and being a part of a new production, you don't really get to develop a character until the show has come together. That doesn't really happen until closer to opening night, so for the rehearsal process and previews, we spend most of our time watching and studying the principal actors. I know in most shows, the understudy is playing a character, but in Godspell we get to play ourselves. Our director told us at the beginning of the process that we get to play ourselves: but through the telescope of the people that we are on for.

What kind of theater speaks to you? What or who inspires you as artists?: I like plays a lot. I just saw Hurt Village at Signature and was blown away. I like the shows that make you question your mortality when you are leaving the theater. I kind of feel like what's the point of putting on a show if you don't have something to say and you don't want to move people?  I also love to laugh. I love a smart book and funny people on stage. Actors and singers who perform with reckless abandon inspire the hell out of me.

Any roles you’re dying to play?: I want to play Jesus in a movie remake of Superstar in like 2-5 years.

What’s your favorite showtune?: That's a tough one! It's a toss up. Either "Who Will Love Me as I Am" from Sideshow, or anything from Dreamgirls.

If you could work with anyone you’ve yet to work with, who would it be?: Megan Hilty. We did a concert together once in Pasadena, and it was such a short time but she was so fun to work with and I want more time with that brilliant lady! Especially if it means being on smash. :-)

Who would play you in a movie about yourself and what would it be called?: Honestly, I'd have to pull a Fantasia and play myself. Haha! It would be called "unexpected" or "obstacle"

What show have you recommended to your friends?: Mormon! But that is an easy way out. As I said before Hurt Village. Our former swing Joaquina Kalukango is starring in it Off Broadway. So moving!

What’s up next?: I am currently writing and in talks to get into the studio to record my first album. It will have nothing to do with musical theater and I am very excited about that. I've been writing since I was 10 and it has been a long term goal of mine to be a recording artist and even write pop songs for other artists. Lots of work to do! I'm so grateful that I have the time and resources right now to do it.

Visit Eric on Facebook at and on Twitter @ericmkrop. And check out Eric's new single on iTunes!