
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Spotlight On...Ravi Roth

Name: Ravi Roth

Hometown: Dalton, PA

Education: BFA Boston Conservatory

Select Credits:
Altar Boyz (Abe; Closing Cast); Moments with Ravi: Tales of a Misfit (Solo Show); Regional Credits: St. Louis Rep and Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, Tour of Seussical

Why theater?: I have been in plays since I was 5 years old.  I love being able to transform into different characters and bring my perspective and reality to it.  I am also obsessed with musicals and have sung show tunes since I was in the womb :)

Tell us about A Letter to Harvey Milk: This is an amazing, creative, bold, and beautiful story about a bond that two different people (a retired old butcher and a young lesbian writer) share with Harvey Milk.  It isn't just about Harvey Milk, but more so what he stood for: Universal truth.  It is FUNNY, emotional, and zany with a cast of 7 people! 

What is it like being a part of A Letter to Harvey Milk?:
This is my second NYMF show.  I was a part of My Mothers Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding back in 2010.  I am once again with a top notch cast that I am floored with daily.  This cast is a small group of individuals who soar.  There is no weak link and we are brought together by a stellar creative team.  I get inspired daily (which is why we do this anyway)! 

What kind of theater speaks to you? What or who inspires you as an artist?: I love original works.  Contemporary musical theatre attracts me the most.  I love an off-beat inventive story with kick ass music and lyrics.  I love being challenged by a vocal score and delving into characters making them rich and universal. I am inspired by people who are fearless.  Artists who beat to their own drum inspire me the most! John Tartaglia is definitely a rock star!

Any roles you’re dying to play?: I am dying to play Princeton/Rod in Avenue Q, Mark in Rent, Bob Gaudio in Jersey Boys, and Zanna in Zanna Don't (to name a few)

What’s your favorite show tune?: Changes daily but today I would say “Who's Got Extra Love” from Zanna Don't!

If you could work with anyone you’ve yet to work with, who would it be?: SUTTON FOSTER

Who would play you in a movie about yourself and what would it be called?: Jake Gyllenhaal (obvi and let's hope he sings) and it would be called “Critter: The Musical”

What show have you recommended to your friends?: Honestly- check out Bring it On!  It just started previews and those kids are GIVING IT!  It is like In The Heights: The Remix. Also check out Memphis before is closes.

What’s the best advice you can give someone trying to make it in theater?: There is no such thing as talent.  EVERYONE is talented.  It is all about the work you put in.  Have a drive to do this and work your ass off!  Don't let anyone ever tell you you can't do this or to change.  Own who you are- there is no one else who can play you better.

What’s up next?: Playing Yussl in A Letter to Harvey Milk- get your tickets!!!

For more on Ravi, visit and follow him on twitter @RavRoth. For more on A Letter to Harvey Milk, visit