
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Kiki Time with...Eloïse Eonnet

Name: Eloïse Eonnet

Hometown: Paris, France

BA in Psychology from Barnard College

What is a kiki?: A night where girls and boys alike keep their heals on till dawn, looking fabulous. And then make love.

Tell us about Restoration Comedy:
ResCom is a party that excites all our senses. By the end of the night, everyone in the room frees up, interacting differently than when they entered the theater. It is an enthralling theatrical experience that never ceases to surprise... and ignite.

Describe Restoration Comedy in 3 words:
Liberating reckless abandon.

Who do you play in Restoration Comedy?:
A variety of characters, including Lady Tattletongue

What’s the most outrageous costume you wear in Restoration Comedy?: A lacy set of glow in the dark lingerie, long orange hair and a glowing antelope mask!

Which cast member is the naughtiest?: Kerry "Mama" Ipema

Sexiest?: Liz Tancredi, eternally.

Most likely to deceive?:
Greg Engbrecht

What is your signature dance move?: The Pirate Chest Flash.

What Scissor Sisters song would best describe you?: “Kiss You Off”.  ‘Watch me start a fire in the middle of your shade’

Why should we come see Restoration Comedy?: It makes you free

What more Eloise? Check out...

photo courtesy of Aaron Zebrock