We begin with a musical montage with our beloved Marilyn. Karen sings a song called “Moving On” on the closing night of previews in Boston. Clearly some continued drama between Ivy and Karen has been ongoing since we last saw. Ivy is all droopy and sad while Karen’s living the life. We get a glimpse at the various pairs of lovers seemingly getting along, including Julia and Frank. We see Karen’s new roommate who delivers a little note from Karen’s favorite ex, Dev. She immediately crumples it on, “moves on” while Ivy “moves on” by tossing out all her pills. MOVING ON! When the song concludes, Karen gets a bit icy, a new character development, and tells Ivy to get the next elevator. As the elevator opens, we get an odd meeting in our lovely rehearsal room where Eileen announces her intentions to bring Bombshell to Broadway. Julia announces that there may be some creative changes where some of the cast may no longer last. Eileen gives Karen the chance to sing at a little shin dig and can pick her own backup singers. She picks Jessica, Beth, and Joy, leaving poor little Ivy in the dust. As Ivy mopes we segue into a new title sequence. WHAT?! No likey!

We’re at rehearsal for Eileen’s shindig only to find out that Ivy has conned her way into singing a song after Karen. Sneaky sneaky girl. She goes to Julia to ask why she hasn’t received a call only to find out she needs to apologize to Karen. But she already did in Boston! Girl, you ain’t apologized until you did it on camera! McSleazy is at lunch with the other McSleazy of NYC, Michael Riedel (cameo!). And that’s how Page 6 is run! Karen goes to meet McSleazy to talk about why Ivy is singing at the party but we first meet Jimmy, who we are going to see a lot of. McSleazy pops over and offers the opportunity to axe Ivy if she wants. Will she? Won’t she? Well first we need to catch up with Tom and Sam! But wait, they’re not that important apparently so let’s slap on the “SMASH SEASON 1 IS NOW AVAILABLE ON DVD” banner in the middle of the scene. How rude! We learn that Sam has been offered a role in The Book of Mormon tour but doesn’t want to take it because he wants to stay with Bombshell…and Tom. How cute! But wait! What’s that? There’s Frank making out with a mysterious brunette! Dun dun dun. What will Tom do? Tell Julia? Find out soon on "Smash."

McSleazy and Karen sit outside on a beautiful day confused as to why they are suddenly out of a job, or two in the case of McSleazy since he’s not gonna “Ease on Down the Road.” Back at Tom’s apartment, Tom has taken Julia in as a relationship refugee. He announces that he’s going to break up with Sam, aka by telling him to take the tour. He then begs that she stay with him indefinitely. She agrees as long as he doesn’t hide anything from her. And then she gets a stack of her reviews. Oh boy. Cue the booze. Ivy goes on her first audition post Bombshell looking for a chorus role. And cue the musical montage! Mopey Ivy walks out of a seemingly botched the audition, McSleazy mopes about an empty rehearsal room, Tom mopes after getting a gift from Sam, Julia mopes about heinous reviews, and Eileen, while being stalked by Jerry, mopes about her bomb. Karen is at Jimmy’s bar where she’s about to get thrown out because they’re closing at 1am. So not New York. Kyle, the other bartender, gushes to Karen about her being her and asks her to sign his Playbill of the failed musical, since he conveniently has a stash under the bar. She signs and goes, until she comes back because she conveniently forget her phone. Why is it convenient? Because Jimmy is singing a song her wrote, “Broadway Here I Come.” A new song by a new writer on “Smash!” She loves it, we love it, and now Derek, who Karen calls to listen to the song, is about to love it! Could this be McSleazy’s new project? Foreshadow!
In our second hour, Karen stalks Jimmy at work to talk about his musical. Jimmy is confused and instead hits on Karen. He needs some work. Perhaps McSleazy can help! Karen walks off but Kyle chases her down knowing this an opportunity of a lifetime. At headquarters, Tom and McSleazy battle with a war of worlds until Eileen tries to piece together some clues as to why her boyfriend is a scum. McSleazy, who’s reading American Theatre magazine, says he can’t not take a job if it comes up but Tom says he’s there for her. Ivy continues to whine to Sam until they are ambushed by Lisa McMann, played by Annaleigh Ashford, in front of Amy’s Bread! We love that place! Lisa admits she’s basically given up acting since she hasn’t gotten any jobs. McSleazy meets with his agent in a massive office only to learn that he’s no longer The Wiz. Why? Because five dancers have filed sexual harassment suits against him. Damn! Eileen has been taken off the guest list for the American Theater Wing Gala and grovels to Jerry to give her his table. He’s so nice that he agrees. Eileen announces to her creative team via iPhone conference call, that they are going to the ATW Gala and can’t make a scene. Which sounds like code for they’re about to!
Julia is in bed, or in pull out couch, whining that doesn’t want to go. Tom tries to convince Julia to go but she’s still distraught over the breakup of her family. Julia asks Friend Tom to tell Partner Tom that she can’t go. Tom bends over and agrees to. What a good friend! Karen meets with Kyle in Times Square and shows her the “music” from Kyle and Jimmy’s “musical.” Kyle begs Karen to listen and convinces her to go to their apartment to hear the music. At Tom’s apartment, Julia thinks she’s getting her take out but it’s Ivy. McSleazy goes and stalks one of his harassment accusers, played by my absolute favorite Mara Davi, who gives him the smackdown. McSleazy got served! Ivy vents to Julia where we continue to see the softer side of Ivy Lynn. Is Ivy really ready to quit? Of course not or then the show would be over. Julia tells it like it is while offering Fluff. Then Tom, as he’s walking down the street, conveniently gets stopped by Harvey Fierstein. What?! Harvey, in his comic brilliance, thinks Tom and Julia have broken up, tries to con Tom to work with him. But Tom assures him that they are still in tact and that he will see them both later that night. We then learn that McSleazy’s lady count is up to six. McSleazy tries to ask Jimmy for advice but he gives him the cold shoulder. Bad move Mr. Writer. Drunk McSleazy is about to hit on a random women but instead gets punched in the face. Insert random music sequence. I thought we were done with those! A plethora of sexy dancers, including Ivy and Karen, clad in “Addicted to Love”-esque outfits, sexually harass him through dance. How convenient. It was only a hallucination.
“Honey I’m home” announces Tom as he walks in ready to tell Julia about his little oopsie. But Julia knows because Harvey Fierstein told Cheyenne Jackson who told Jackie Hoffman who told Mary Testa who told Julia. If you can’t follow that chain, go Google it. Six Degrees of Harvey Fierstein! At Ana and Karen’s, Ana plays the music which they think is amazing and Jonathan Larson-esque. Bobby wants to know if our new composer friend is gay, because all musical theater boys are gay, only to find out that Karen can’t see the signs that she was being hit on by Jimmy. Follow me as I digress for a second. There’s an Addams Family reunion on my tv screen! Wesley Taylor and Krysta Rodriguez! “Crazier Than You” is my jam! And now back to your regular scheduled broadcast. At the American Theater Wing Gala, Julia makes a mockery of herself when she discovers that she’s not really speaking at the Gala. Tom rescues Julia but she’s pissed Tom lied. They bicker and get interrupted by a fan who saw Heaven on Earth for the third time. At least we get some humor in the drama. They continue to bicker when Tom admits he’s been a good friend and won’t leave his writing partner despite the rumors of her mental breakdown and her inability to hack it. Julia just got hit with the honesty stick.
Now in Brooklyn, the apparent scary place of NYC, Karen and Co. meet Kyle and Jimmy, who apparently live in a huge loft. Karen and Jimmy begin to flirt while Bobby and Kyle get their flirt on. Ivy and McSleazy sit on a stoop where DrunkSleazy tells Ivy he basically has done an entire line of Rockettes. Way to go horndog! DrunkSleazy tries to apologize to Ivy but she’s not buying it. If alcohol is truth serum, DrunkSleazy admits that Ivy was his friend and that Ivy is talented and his Marilyn. Don’t give up Ivy! And then DrunkSleazy goes in for a kiss. See! Things don’t change. Eileen pounces on the ATW President only to get kicked out. Burned. Back in Brooklyn, Karen and Jimmy exchange flirty barbs which leads to Karen singing one of Jimmy’s songs conveniently accompanied by Ana on piano. Karen rocks it for the entire party but Jimmy is not having it. Listen to Karen, Jimmy!
Jimmy is pissed at Kyle for stealing his songs. Karen tries to reason with Jimmy but his ego and hot-headedness pushes her away. Remember how I predicted a stunt at the ATW Gala? Here we go! Ivy, not Karen who conveniently has her phone off, is gonna sing a song to make them realize Bombshell is the show they don’t want to miss. Ivy goes the distance with this unheard Bombshell song, making us question her future with the show since she was, well, fired.
Eileen and Jerry conveniently meet by the elevator where she sticks it to him about her stunt. Kyle bitches to Jimmy about how he messed up their one chance at success. Kyle gives Jimmy a dose of reality but it’s still not getting through. Art imitates life? At Tom’s, Julia has baked apology muffins to say she’s sorry for being, well, her. Tom prefaces it with a sorry, but asks nicely that Julia retires the scarves. They’re gone! WOOT! A wonderful nod to all of our scarf mockery. Jimmy pops over to Karen’s to apologize and give her a flash drive of everything he’s written so far. Flash drive? It’s all about Drop Box people! Ivy pops by Derek’s with a coffee and a sweet treat to intrude on a “work session” between McSleazy and Karen. Let’s hope they’re only working on Jimmy and Kyle’s musical. As Ivy mopes in the elevator, we are left with Jimmy’s music and the end of episode 1!
With a whopping seven musical numbers in two hours, “Smash” is back! Unlike the first episode of Season 1, we can’t quite predict the trajectory of plot for the season, which is a very good thing. Keeps the masses watching! So what do you think? Will Bombshell bomb on Broadway? Who’s your favorite new kid? Did you like how the axed characters were written off? And, most importantly where’s Ellis? Snoopy was not mentioned once! I’m sure we’ll find out soon! Welcome back “Smash”, we missed you so!