
Friday, August 8, 2014

Spotlight On...Jeremy Weiss

Name: Jeremy Weiss

Hometown: Charlottesville, VA

Education: Senior at Yale University - Majors in Humanities and Theater Studies with a concentration in Energy Studies

Select Credits: My Fair Lady (Freddy), Into the Woods (Prince/Wolf), Phantom of the Opera (Phantom), Bed Play - also with Common Room - (Benny)

Why theater?: Theater reminds us how to love and how to live with love, how to give ourselves to other people, how to move forward when we can't communicate or refuse to, theater is the language of humanity, of the soul. (I know I'm a cheese ball)

Who do you play in Fortuna Fantasia?: I play the Ringmaster. He is a character who...well "he" is a pretty strong word since "he's" not really a human. The Ringmaster represents fate, and he manipulates the characters in his play to break them out of the monotony of everyday life. In doing so, he takes them on journey that leaves them with a new understanding of each other.

Tell us about Fortuna Fantasia: Two young lovebirds are stuck together after a failed proposal, so they take revenge on the other by going on dates with really crazy people. And the whole thing is orchestrated by a wacky narrator (me), who loves his subjects so much, but mostly loves bringing them pain. Guys, you should see this play because it's hilarious! Yeah, you'll think about things, free-will, an Alchemist-like idea of circular journeys and necessary obstacles, love, friendship, and other awesome things. But mostly you'll laugh so much! Jesse has written a comedy of all comedies!

What is it like being a part of Fortuna Fantasia?: It's awesome! I get to put up a crazy, beautiful, and hilarious show with some of my best friends. Does it get any better than that?

What kind of theater speaks to you? What or who inspires you as an artist?: I like theater that doesn't lie and I like artists that don't lie, I also like people who don't lie.

Any roles you’re dying to play?: Marius in Les Miserables, Billy Bigelow in Carousel, Tony in West Side Story

What’s your favorite showtune?: "America" from West Side Story - who can sit still during this song? Not me!

If you could work with anyone you’ve yet to work with, who would it be?: I could pick some famous person, but honestly there is this person at Yale, Jessica Miller, who I think is an astounding actor and an amazing person who I would die to work with. I'm gonna make it happen! Let's do something, Jessica!

Who would play you in a movie about yourself and what would it be called?: My younger brother, Justin (one of the most talented people I know (he's a composer) and just an all around great guy) would probably play me, because we look a lot alike and he knows me really well. The movie would be called, "Jeremy Weiss: The Biography" - original, right?

What show have you recommended to your friends?: I thought the revival of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf on broadway a few years ago was out of this world. Tracy Letts was so truthful, vulnerable, strong, and everything else George should be.

What’s the most played song on your iTunes?: The first movement of Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto in D.

What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?: "Breaking Bad"...I watched it way too much at the end of last semester, which would explain my grades.

What’s up next?: Finishing a play I'm writing about Tchaikovsky's love affair with Iosif Kotek, learning how to dance, and trying to survive my senior year.