
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Spotlight On...Sarah Gwynne Walker

Name: Sarah Gwynne Walker

Hometown: Chestertown, MD

Education: I received my BFA Acting degree from Marymount Manhattan College!

Select Credits: Chorus Woman Three in Medea: A Reading (Envelope Ensemble), Lucetta and Third Outlaw in Two Gentlemen of Verona (Hip to Hip Theatre Company), Soothesayer and Jupiter in Cymbeline (Hip to Hip Theatre Company), Lady Bountiful in The Beaux Stratagem (Marymount Manhattan College), Doctor Barium/Zombie in Zombiefest (Indoor Extreme Sports), Mrs. Jansen/Mary Margaret in Mrs. Jansen Isn't Here Now (The Secret Theatre)

Why theater?: I get this question a lot and I feel like I always give the same cliche answer of, "I did community theatre when I was a kid, blah, blah, blah..." and while that's all well and true and will be remembered fondly, it's so much more than that! I love exploring. I love the idea of exploring new worlds and discovering new things and sharing that with a live audience. It evokes thought and laughter. The theater suddenly becomes a sacred place. It's where two worlds collide and we're all forced to really focus on the world that we live in.

Who do you play in The Spotted Man?: I play The Specialist. The Specialist is supposed to know the cure for the spots that Eugene is covered in. Walter Wykes describes him in the play as a, "...a sub-human creature...". Let's just say that looks can be mistakenly deceiving...

Tell us about The Spotted Man: The Spotted Man is a short one act comedy that focuses on Eugene, a man that is convinced that he has spots all over his body. Hilarity ensues when a crazy, cooky nurse enters and turns his life upside down. We're really focusing on perspective and sanity, how we perceive the world around us and how others perceive that world. To quote our post card, "What if nobody sees the world the way you see it? What if nobody sees the spots?" It's nothing short of outrageous!

What is it like being a part of The Spotted Man?: It's an absolute riot! Every rehearsal feels like a productive play date. There's so much positive energy! It's an exhilarating feeling being the part of something brand spankin' new! We're all very passionate about the start of Group IV and we know that this is only the beginning.

What kind of theater speaks to you? What or who inspires you as an artist?: Classical theater has my heart. If I could do the old stuff for the rest of my life, I would be one happy camper. As far as who inspires me, I've got two of those! I'm a die-hard Bryan Cranston fan. What I would give to be as versatile as that man! Also, the dame herself, Judi Dench. What inspires me? People with ideas, but more importantly, people willing to take the risk to make those ideas a reality.

Any roles you're dying to play?: My dream role would have to be Lady Macbeth, but a couple of others would be Alma from Eccentricities of a Nightingale, or Medea.

What's your favorite show tune?: "Cell Block Tango", no competition.

If you could work with anyone you've yet to work with, who would it be?: I would love to have the opportunity to work with either of my acting inspirations! Or Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network, being a cartoon is my dream, haha.

Who would play you in a movie about yourself and what would it be called?: Maggie Gyllenhaal circa "Stranger Than Fiction" and it would be called "That was my Joke".

What show have you recommended to your friends?: I've recommended Silence: The Musical. I saw it three times...woops...

What's the most played song on your iTunes?: "Underdog" by Spoon!

What's your biggest guilty pleasure?: Crappy television and Chipotle. I'm currently binge watching the new "90210". Go ahead, judge me, I deserve it.

What's up next?: Auditioning, auditioning, auditioning! I will also be returning to Zombiefest and I will get to be reunited with my undead family, which is incredibly exciting!

For more on Sarah, visit