
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Princess Diaries with...Lizzy Palmer

Name: Lizzy Palmer

 Syracuse University

Hometown: Encinitas, Ca

Tell us about Royal Fables: It's not what it seems

Describe Royal Fables in three words: Girls with emotions

Who do you play in Royal Fables: Cinderella

Describe your character in three words: Loves a party

True love is ____?: Sweet morning kisses

The best thing about playing a princess is ____?:
 It makes me feel special

Who is your celebrity Prince Charming?: Ryan Gosling

If you could be any fairy tale princess who would you be?: Pocahontas,  she's a chief's daughter, that's almost princess status

Which company member is most likely to be an actual princess?: Erin, she pulls off up dos at rehearsal

What would be the most played song on your princess’ iPod?: "Complicated"

What is your favorite moment of Royal Fables?: Kathy's face