
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Punk or Provocateur with...Sam Ogilvie

Name: Sam Ogilvie

Hometown: Piscataway, NJ

Tell us about The Roaring Girl: The Roaring Girl is the story of a real woman from Jacobean times known as Moll Cutpurse. She's a well-known tomboy and thief in a very strict society, which made her a person of awe and unease, depending on who you were.

Describe The Roaring Girl in 3 words: Sexual, Classical, Fun

Who do you play in The Roaring Girl?: Jack Dapper

Describe your character in 3 words: Feather-loving Dandy

Which company member is most likely to be a roaring boy or girl?: I imagine Quinn's (Gull) quiet side hides a mischievous interior.

Most likely to get in a brawl?: I'd say Ryan would most likely get into a brawl if someone tried to mess with us anywhere.

Who’s the fanciest?: I've never seen someone take care of their clothes and appearance as
much as I see Jacob take care of his.

What is the best thing about being a part of The Roaring Girl?: The laughs. People are going to come to Roaring Girl and have a great time because we as actors are having so much fun and making each other double-over with laughter. That's the type of comedic environment you want to be in.

What is your favorite moment in The Roaring Girl?: There is one scene early on where I am shopping for a feather for a good 15 minutes in the background. It is one of my favorite times onstage as Rebeca and I have a grand ol' time coming up with the mischief we can get into!

Why The Roaring Girl now?: I actually had a fun conversation with Jacob (Sebastian) about Middleton's writing. Besides The Roaring Girl, Middleton also wrote Women Beware Women and The Changeling, both of which also have engaging female leads. Currently we're having a significant discussion about women in cinema and the arts, and how there has been a plethora of well-written male leads and severe lack of female-led movies. I think it might be of help for us to look at the past and see that even back in a time where a woman was considered the property of her father and then husband, there were artists like Middleton writing women who fought against the institution, or twisted it to their advantage.

Punk or Provocateur?: Oh I'm not nearly rebellious enough to be a punk. I like to use charm to get through life... if it doesn't get me in trouble.

Have you ever performed in rep before? What are the challenges/struggles?: For my first time performing in rep, the biggest challenge has been getting to know the other cast. I've hardly been able to get to know the other actors with the exception of seeing their show. I hope to get to know them more as the shows go on.

What are you most excited to see in the other play?: I'm most excited to hear the music they play.

Why should we come see Punks and Provocateurs?: Two amazing stories, each done in such a different style. You will receive all the comedy and tragedy you could desire in two nights, all by one fantastic company!