
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Spotlight On...Anna Bridgforth

Name: Anna Bridgforth

Hometown: Vienna, VA

Education: A little of this, a little of that, a lot of hard knocks

Select Credits: A healthy dose of indie horror movies, "We Call Her Benny" and "Bite" with JMTC, Lots of other off broadway work and endless cabaret and burlesque shows.

Why theater?: Instant gratification

Who do you play in The Good Adoptee?: I play Suzanne Bachner, the writer and director of the piece, along with several other characters that were integral to this particular story, including her social worker, her mom and dad, her adoption searcher, and other special guests.

Tell us about The Good Adoptee: This is the story of a woman who was adopted as an infant into a loving home, who as an adult decided to look into her background and search for her origins by trying to find out who her birth parents are, and the many hoops she had to jump through in order to do that.

What is it like being a part of The Good Adoptee?: A joy and a pleasure as always to work with Suzanne who knows me and how to talk to me. A complete and utter challenge that I am relishing.

What kind of theater speaks to you? What or who inspires you as an artist?: My favorite kind of theater is the kind that speaks directly to me and lets me recognize myself in the characters, no matter how different they are from me.  I'm inspired by the performers who are able to take me out of the theater and into the world of the story without me even noticing it.  Also flashy, shiny, sparkly song and dance stuff.

Any roles you’re dying to play?: Sally Bowles, Katherine Hepburn when someone writes a play about her, anything on American Horror Story.

What’s your favorite show tune?: The soliloquy from Carousel.  The entire Into The Woods score.

If you could work with anyone you’ve yet to work with, who would it be?: Alan Cumming.

Who would play you in a movie about yourself and what would it be called?: Hellen Mirren.  "Dogged Determination"

If you could go back in time and see any play or musical you missed, what would it be?: The premiere of Rent

What show have you recommended to your friends?: The Book of Mormon

What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?: Bourbon

What’s up next?: Circle with JMTC.  My own short film.  More hosting. More performance art.  The World.