
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Spotlight On...Stephan Amenta

Name: Stephan Amenta

Hometown: Ridgefield, CT

Education: NYU Tisch

Select Credits: A Great Wilderness (Williamstown Theatre Festival), "PLANT" (Pembroke Webseries), The Diary of Anne Frank (Anne Frank Center).

Why theater?: My mom enrolled me in an theatre class when I was in the fourth grade.  She thought I was too shy and needed to open up.  I've been doing it ever since.  It was a happy accident.

Who do you play in Good Boys and True?: I play Justin Simmons.  He's best friends with Brandon, the boy allegedly in the sex tape.

Tell us about Good Boys and True: The play is really fascinating.  It's set in 1988, but the events that take place are still happening today, all over the country.  The play deals with a sex tape scandal at a prestigious prep school.  It takes a look at the fallout from such an event.

What is it like being a part of Good Boys and True?: It's been really awesome!  Retro Productions has been an amazing company to work for.  They are incredibly professional, and have allowed the space, time, and resources to really explore this play.  It's been a dream.

What kind of theater speaks to you? What or who inspires you as an artist?: The kind of theater that speaks to me, is the theater that takes very simple stories, and tells them in inventive ways.  I'm obsessed with Fun Home right now.  It's an incredible story told in a way that grips you from start to finish.  I could watch that show endlessly.

Any roles you’re dying to play?: Christopher in the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.  That's been my dream role from the moment I found out they were making it into a play.

What’s your favorite showtune?: Right now it's "Ring of Keys" from Fun Home.  That song is everything.

If you could work with anyone you’ve yet to work with, who would it be?: Martin Scorsese

Who would play you in a movie about yourself and what would it be called?: I'd want Andrew Garfield to play me, so I could play him in his biopic.  It would be called "It's Just Random"

If you could go back in time and see any play or musical you missed, what would it be?:  I'd see the original Broadway production of Chicago.

What show have you recommended to your friends?: Fun Home!  Also, the Spring Awakening revival.  It's incredible.

What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?: Pop Music.  Although, I'm not guilty about it.

What’s up next?: Throughout December I'm also working on an educational theater show called Robot 4 Christmas.  Then in January it's back to the audition grind, so if you hear of anything hit me up!