
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Trolling Time with...Taylor Turner

Name: Taylor Turner

Hometown: Montgomery, Alabama but I was born in Bradenton, Florida a.k.a. THE SEAT OF MANATEE COUNTY A.K.A. THE MANATEE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD (I really like manatees).

Education: NYU Tisch.

Who do you play in The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer: Peer Gynt.

Describe your character(s) in three words: Royal. Ass. Pain.

Tell us about The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer: I didn't even audition for it so idk how I got here honestly.

Describe The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer in three words: Gay. As. Hell.

Who is the biggest liar?: Melania Trump.

Who is the biggest troll?: Me.

Who is the sexiest?: Our dramaturg, Claire. Her plethora of information on the original Ibsen text gave me a serious boner. And as the Queen Beyoncé herself says...

Being educated is sexy!!!

Who is the most mischievous?: I think Eddie—check them shifty eyes.

Most likely to go on an adventure?: Austin. He's already seen some shit for sure and his thick layer of chest hair provides enough insulation for a variety of climates, so he'll save a bundle on clothes!

Most likely to get caught up in a cult?: I've already done a show where the cast literally operated as a cult in and out of rehearsal. I got really into it and made punch that we all drank after our last show. So, also me.

Which bandana best describes you?: Is there one that means "perpetually single"?

Favorite (gay) bar in NYC: I don't go to bars. I stay at home and pray.

Fun, laughs, or good time?: Laughs (he said, lying horizontally in his bed and typing these answers with a deadpan expression).

Do you talk to yourself in a mirror?: One time I reenacted the last fifteen minutes of Into the Woods in my bathroom mirror. I was drunk AF but I gave full beats, meanings, action AND objective. I was in tears the entire time.

What is your favorite moment in The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer: The two and a half pages I'm offstage.

What is the most rewarding thing about being a part of the Dreamer team?: I've learned a lot from this cast; for example, that people asking you to pee on them is a fairly common sexual occurrence.

Why should we come see The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer?: Because I need to prove to everybody that my face ain't as busted as it is on the poster.

For more on Taylor, visit and check him out on your TV soon in "The Cobblestone Corridor"

The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer is part of the 20th Annual New York International Fringe Festival! Performances dates are Saturday, August 13th at 9:30pm, Tuesday, August 16th at 5:00pm, Monday, August 22nd at 4:45pm, Wednesday, August 24th at 7:00pm, and Saturday, August 27th at 1:30pm. All performances will be at Venue #1: Teatro SEA (107 Suffolk Street). For tickets, visit

For more on The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer, visit To support and donate to the project, please visit