
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Spotlight On...Quinn Franzen

Name: Quinn Franzen

Hometown: Kailua, HI

Education: Williams College '09, LAMDA '08

Select Credits: Doug in Threesome (59e59 Theatres), Tor in The Lucky Ones (Ars Nova), Louis in Angels in America (pts. 1 & 2) (Intiman Theatre), Cassio in Othello (Seattle Shakespeare Company), Romeo in R+J (Intiman Theatre). I have a recurring role on the show "Billions", and have been recently featured in Younger" and "The Blacklist"

Why theater: Oh christ I don't know if I have any good reason for doing it. Probably the cons far outweigh the pros. I just keep doing it.

Who do you play in Hedda (Gabler)?: I play the troubled writer, Eilert Lovborg.

Tell us about Hedda (Gabler): Hedda Gabler is an extremely complicated play, but at its heart I think its agenda is simply to expose the raw nerve of the human soul. There are so many obstacles to it being shown -- social mores, the will of others, and even (maybe especially) conflicting impulses within oneself. The play resists neat morals and agendas. It just wants to tell itself -- a great story beautiful and dark characters.

What is it like being a part of Hedda (Gabler)?: It's terrifying. There is an infinite amount of work to do and a very finite amount of time. The play is a Hydra and every time we have a little victory in the room, five more heads immediately show up to remind us not to get too cocky. But it is a lovely struggle and very rewarding. A dream to work with this text and group of dedicated actors.

What kind of theater speaks to you? What or who inspires you as an artist?: Theatre that isn't only patronized by rich old white people. Theatre that features language, dark humor, relevant social issues, and diverse casts. Theatre that is thrillingly written and not afraid of reinventing the wheel. Theatre that maybe has a hunch that it's theatre.

Any roles you’re dying to play?: Any role in King Lear. George in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. Any role in a Clare Barron play.

What’s your favorite showtune?: My favorite showtune is all of the new Frank Ocean album.

If you could work with anyone you’ve yet to work with, who would it be?: Tom Hardy today. Kevin Spacey if we're time traveling to before he accepted "Nine Lives"

Who would play you in a movie and what would it be called?: Who is trying to make this movie? This is a terrible idea for a movie. There is nothing exciting about my life history, that's why I became an actor. Other people's stories are far better. That being said, I would be played by Annette Benning.

If you could go back in time and see any play or musical you missed, what would it be?: Spiderman Turn Off the Dark. People make great art everyday. We only get one opportunity per lifetime to witness a true and utter fiasco. I fucked up and missed mine.

What show have you recommended to your friends?: My favorite shows of the past year:
Public Works' Twelfth Night, Ironbound at Rattlestick Theatre by the flooringly talented Martyna Majok, King Charles III by Mike Bartlett, and YOUARENOWHERE by Andrew Schneider... And Hamilton.

What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?: Killing.

What’s up next?: A whole Fall of paying rent, hopefully.