
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Spotlight On...Donna Vivino

Name: Donna Vivino

Why theater?: I've always enjoyed the immediacy of theatre. Maybe I am simply impatient but there is nothing like the instant chemistry between an audience and performer. It is fairly magical in my opinion. Alchemy.

Tell us about It’s Not Easy Being Green: It's Not Easy Being Green is a piece that I put together that explores my journey from child actor to child actor has-been to adult actress and oh yeah my journey as a human being too. What's cool about this return performance is that I am also going to be weaving in songs and stories from my debut album "Beautiful Dreamer" so I think it's going to be very exciting. I also have a new band member joining me too so that is going to be fun.

What kind of theater speaks to you? What or who inspires you as an artist?: I have such an eclectic taste in art and music and theatre. Case in point: I was blown away by Exit Pursued by A Bear's production of Dani Girl which is experimental theatre but I also felt just as blown away and moved by Kinky Boots. I think for me it doesn't matter if something is commercial or not. The same holds true for film -- gimme an obscure French independent film but don't take away my copy of “Ace Ventura”.  If something moves me it moves me and I like it. Lately I have felt greatly inspired by singer/songwriter James Blake, the musical Once, Laura Nyro and the recent production of Pippin.

Any roles you’re dying to play?: I would love to originate something completely new. But if there was a revival of City of Angels I would absolutely want to play Donna/Oolie. Also...I am "dying" to sink my teeth into some Shakespeare again. I've been working on it a lot again and it's been exhilarating.

What’s your favorite showtune?: Anything from West Side Story and that's a fact. I'll even gladly hum the first three notes of the score into the opening scene. Yeah...that's my show.

If you could work with anyone you’ve yet to work with, who would it be?: I would like to work with Emma Thompson I think she is grand. I also would like to work with John Tiffany and Stephen Hoggett and it doesn't have to be with them together though I'm certain that is a winning combo to work with !!

Who would play you in a movie about yourself and what would it be called?: Oh my this is quite the question. I think Drew Barrymore should play me since we share the same birthday and even though she is bit older I feel like she could catch my vibe. The movie should be called "Aquarius/Pisces Cusp"  -- and hey! Drew would totally that haha!

What show have you recommended to your friends?: Once, Pippin, Kinky Boots and Fun Home

What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?: My biggest guilty pleasure is going to the movies by myself and eating gummy bears.

What’s the most played song on your iPod?: Most played song lately is probably James Blake's "Retrograde"

What’s up next?: I have a show coming up at 54 Below on January 23rd 9:30 pm called "It's Not Easy Being Green" and you can grab those tickets online at Also the webseries "Submissions Only" Season 3 is coming out soon and I play Serena Maxwell and I am very excited for the world to see it!

For more on Donna, visit