Hometown: Albion, Me
Education: BFA from Florida State University
Select Credits: 25th Anniversary National Tour of Les Miserables (Grantaire/ us Javert), National Tour of South Pacific (Joe Cable), Children of Eden (Adam/Noah, Astoria Performing Arts Center), OKLAHOMA! at (Curly, Media Theater), Miss Saigon (Chris, Seaside Music Theater)
Why theater?: Besides skydiving, I don't think I ever feel more alive than when I'm deep into a show and the audience and I are experiencing the emotion together!
Who do you play in Skyline?: Paul Silver. He's kind of the anti-hero of the show. His tactics can rub people the wrong way, but his purpose is true and just, so you HAVE to root for him...I hope!
Tell us about Skyline: The story functions on two levels. It centers around the planned demolition of the old Penn Station, in 1963. The protagonists are fighting to keep this beautiful landmark from being destroyed, and the story weaves in the personal connections many of the characters have to this magnificent hub, at the center of the universe. Contrary to preserving the past, the more intimate story is about letting go of the personal tragedy and baggage which keeps us from achieving our greatest potential. People will relate to at least one journey, without a doubt!
What is it like being a part of Skyline?: It's always so exciting to be there at the birth of a new musical, and doubly so when you believe in what that musical is saying. The writing is straight forward and heartfelt, and I'm honored to be working on it.
What kind of theater speaks to you? What or who inspires you as an artist?: Anything that touches on the truth of the human condition. I find myself so moved by a single chord in Sunday in the Park, or the way an actor catches their breath, when overcome by emotion. We become a vessel, through performing art, which moves others and reminds them of our sameness.
Any roles you’re dying to play?: I'm dying to come back to Billy Bigelow, in Carousel. As far as one I HAVEN'T done....um....George, in Sunday... , would be gorgeous.
What’s your favorite showtune?: It's overdone, but If I Loved You still makes me cry, almost every time!
If you could work with anyone you’ve yet to work with, who would it be?: That's a hard question! My knee jerk is Cate Blanchett...she is so transformative and engaging.
Who would play you in a movie about yourself and what would it be called?: I get Robert Pattinson A LOT, but I would pick James McAvoy , for his acting chops. Title?? (Hilarious question) "Eyes Eternally Upward"
What show have you recommended to your friends?: Bridges was a "don't miss"...hope you didn't! Open now?? Ramin Karimloo's JVJ is mind-blowing, in Les Mis!
What's the most played song on your iTunes?: "Part of a Painting", on Jason Forbach's album A New Leading Man...that voice is golden!
What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?: Video games on my phone...so many better things to do, BUT I CAN"T STOP!
What’s up next?: Excited to sing in Andrew Lippa's I Am Harvey Milk, at Avery Fisher Hall, on Oct 6th. Kristen Chenowith is starring, and it should be a great night! First, come see Skyline!
For more on Skyline, visit http://www.skylinemusical.com