Hometown: Portland, Oregon.
Education: Well, I learned to read with my Mom and Dad. I graduated from Oklahoma City University with a BFA in acting.
Who do you play in Pageant Tales and Beauty Fails?: Like… Kayla. Miss California.
Describe your character in three words: Like like like
Tell us about Pageant Tales and Beauty Fails: It’s freakin hilarious! It highlights so many stereotypes of different kinds of American gals and brings them all together in the most estrogen filled situation to fight to the death: a beauty pageant.
Describe Pageant Tales and Beauty Fails in three words: Like so funny.
What beauty pageant would you win?: Well, I just heard there’s a Miss Beautiful Bottom… maybe I could win that. Or like… Miss Weirdo.
What pageant portion are you most likely to dominate?: Talent or Interview
Which company member is most likely to lie, cheat, or steal their way to glory?: Hahaha. Ummm… I can’t say.
Most likely to commit a beauty fail?: I feel like it’s me… it has to be me… Yep, it’s definitely me.
Most likely to be involved in a scandal?: Oooh! Michael and Tony. HAHA.
Most likely to win Miss Congeniality?: Alexis. She’s a doll.
Most likely to be a future stage parent?: Oh my gosh, Victoria. She’s already so good at it.
Most likely to host a beauty pageant?: Jay. He really has the voice down.
Most likely to have a showmance: Jay and Matt- I kind of want it to happen.
Who's the most offensive?: I guess Samantha, but it’s really more her character. She’s a natural though :0)
Most ruthless?: No one. They’re all perfect.
Best pageant cry?: Julia. By far.
Sash, bouquet, or tiara?: OOH! Um… all of them. I like bouquets though. They smell good.
What is your favorite moment of Pageant Tales and Beauty Fails?: I love when Kate does her poem about Louisiana. Like… dribble dribble drip drop? That shitake is hilarious. I like doing my scenes with Ian too.
What is the most rewarding part about being a member of Pageant Tales and Beauty Fails?: This is my first full production in New York. It feels so good to be a part of something- and something GOOD at that! I love the people, the script, the work… it feels good to work.
Why should we come see Pageant Tales and Beauty Fails?: You’ll laugh, you may cry, and you’ll have a great time! The theatre isn’t just for us, man. We’re doing this for you!
For more on Pageant Tales and Beauty Fails, visit facebook.com/pageanttalesandbeautyfails. For tickets, visit Smart Tix.