
Friday, August 12, 2016

Trolling Time with...Scott Lilly

Name: Scott M. Lilly.

Hometown: Asheboro, NC (no, not hipster-trendy-college town AsheVILLE; AsheBORO: we have the Zoo and a Walmart).

Education: The Music Academy of North Carolina, AMDA(NYC), and Life’s School of Hard Knocks.

Who do you play in The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer: Boyg

Describe your character(s) in three words: The. Great. Boyg! :-D

Tell us about The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer:  It’s my first trip down the rabbit hole that is the Fringe Festival; and it’s been amazing.  As for the show itself: it’s a story of Boy meets Boy, Boy meets Boyg, Boy goes on epically fantastical journey of self-discovery…ya know, tale as old as time.

Describe The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer in three words: Fun, Laughs, Good-Times! (does it count if it’s hyphenated?)

Who is the biggest liar?: We’re actors…we’re ALL liars!

Who is the biggest troll?: Our Troll King, Austin, obviously!

Who is the sexiest?: Geovanny…you should see the dance he’s choreographed. ;)

Who is the most mischievous?: Nick. There’s something behind those eyes…I don’t trust that man. ;)

Most likely to go on an adventure?: Corinne; pack a lunch!

Most likely to get caught up in a cult?: Probably me, I’m very easil- - oh look, a Pokemon!

Which bandana best describes you?: I have quite the collection, myself…my rainbow tie-dyed one seems an appropriate answer.

Favorite (gay) bar in NYC: Marie’s Crisis will always hold a special place in my heart. <3

Fun, laughs, or good time?: I’ll take ‘em all!

Do you talk to yourself in a mirror?: All the time.  “Get it together” and “Well, this is the best it’s gonna get today” are frequent salutations. :-P

What is your favorite moment in The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer: Well, there is this one very demure dance number...

What is the most rewarding thing about being a part of the Dreamer team?: It’s such a brave, talented (and GORGEOUS) troupe of trolls; I’m both honored and humbled to be a part of it.

Why should we come see The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer?: I guarantee it won’t be like anything else you’ll see this year.  If you’re a fan of Ibsen, or a fan of riding crops, this is a show for you.

The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer is part of the 20th Annual New York International Fringe Festival! Performances dates are Saturday, August 13th at 9:30pm, Tuesday, August 16th at 5:00pm, Monday, August 22nd at 4:45pm, Wednesday, August 24th at 7:00pm, and Saturday, August 27th at 1:30pm. All performances will be at Venue #1: Teatro SEA (107 Suffolk Street). For tickets, visit

For more on The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer, visit To support and donate to the project, please visit